Free slideshow and talk about new book, “A Landscape Like No Other” – June 12, 2024, 10 a.m., Osoyoos Library

Richard McGuire shows a copy of his new photography book, “A Landscape Like No Other, which he photographed and wrote. The book celebrates the landscapes, landmarks, communities and history of the South Okanagan, Similkameen and Boundary Country. (Richard McGuire Photo)
Osoyoos photographer and writer Richard McGuire is presenting a free slideshow and talk about his new book of local photography, “A Landscape Like No Other: South Okanagan, Similkameen & Boundary Country.”


The event takes place on Wednesday, June 12, 2024 at the Osoyoos Branch of Okanagan Regional Library at 10 a.m. The library is located in the Sonora Community Centre at 8505 68th Avenue, Osoyoos.


The book highlights local landscapes, landmarks, communities and history. Copies will be available for purchase and signing. If there is interest, Richard will answer questions about his experiences with self publishing.

Copies will be available for purchase and signing.

Local photographer, writer releases book of South Okanagan, Similkameen and Boundary photographs

A Landscape Like No Other: South Okanagan, Similkameen & Boundary Country is a new book of colour photos by Richard McGuire

South Okanagan photographer and writer Richard McGuire is celebrating the local region with a new book of his photography and bite-sized text descriptions of area landscapes, landmarks, communities and history.

The paperback coffee table book contains 60 pages with 47 full-page colour photographs and is titled: “A Landscape Like No Other: South Okanagan, Similkameen & Boundary Country.”

“Many Canadians and people outside Canada have no idea such a special corner of Canada exists,” says McGuire. “We have semi-arid, desert-like landscapes with plants and animals not found anywhere else in Canada. We have grasslands, ponderosa pine forests, blue lakes, vineyards and orchards. Even jagged rock formations and mountains with alpine tundra.”

Continue reading “Local photographer, writer releases book of South Okanagan, Similkameen and Boundary photographs”

Osoyoos woman releases book about her lifetime struggle with childhood trauma

Bonnie Dust. (Richard McGuire Photo)

An Osoyoos woman, Bonnie Dust, has released a book telling of her lifetime struggle to cope with the impact of childhood trauma.

It’s a Long and Winding Road: Finding Peace After My Struggle with Childhood Trauma” is a personal account of her mental health problems and a psychiatric system too eager to prescribe high doses of stupefying medications.

On the surface, Dust, now 71, appeared to have a normal childhood. She grew up on a farm near Osoyoos, British Columbia in the 1950s and 1960s. She rode horses and excelled in school and Girl Guides.

But for years she kept a secret about her encounters as a young child with an older man who lived nearby – encounters that left her traumatized. Continue reading “Osoyoos woman releases book about her lifetime struggle with childhood trauma”